In Case of a Fire - House Paint and Brush Clearance
When I moved to Malibu a few years ago, one of the first things I thought about after I purchased a house was FIRE! Not only did I purchase a wood house, but it was surrounded by overhanging trees and brush. I repainted my house using fire retardant paint additive. I chose a product called Flame-Stop III. There are other products on the market. Your State Fire Marshall's Office will list products, which they rate and certify. The Flame-Stop retardant is added directly to the paint. Within the cost of $15,000 to paint my house, the Flame-Stop cost approximately $600. It had no effect on the color, viscosity or application of the paint. In 2007, a wind-driven fire from downed power lines swept through Malibu. My closest neighbor's house burned to the ground. A church and two homes in the next block were also destroyed. In my front yard, the shrubbery, fence and my gate were destroyed. At the back of my property, 20 trees were destroyed. My house survived, untouched. After hosing...